Serving your needs in Nevada.
If you incorporate your company in Nevada but don’t have a physical address there, Mail Forwarding Service is a quick and confidential way to receive your personal and business mail.
Why it’s important
Mail Forwarding Service can help you gain peace of mind and avoid the worry of missing an important document or piece of vital business correspondence.
It’s important to differentiate Mail Forwarding Service from Registered Agent Service:
Mail Forwarding Service. Use this service for receipt and forwarding of business and personal correspondence, such as small packages and letters. Mail Forwarding Service is a quick and confidential way to receive your personal and business mail.
Registered Agent Service. Use this service for receipt and forwarding of legal and state correspondence, such as Service of Process and state tax documents. It is a state requirement for corporations (C corporations, S corporations and nonprofits), LLCs, LLPs and LPs to maintain a registered agent in their state of incorporation.
Features & benefits
The Nevada Mail Forwarding Service includes:
12 months of Mail Forwarding Service.
Receipt of a physical street address in Las Vegas, Nevada (not a P.O. Box) and a box number.
Weekly forwards of mail and small packages—forwarded mail is typically sent via USPS, but other carriers can be used.
A postage account that will be debited for each forward.
(Includes Postage and Deposit)
We Accept all mayor credit cards.